This might be a long post, but that's ok. First off, Dustin's dad and step mom went to Italy a few weeks ago and brought Macie home this little swimsuit. There's a new hotel that opened in Logan, so they went to stay at it and decided Mace should try it out. I must say it's kind of cute.
It took her a little bit to get in, but her aunt Hanna and Hallie and some friends finally coaxed her in. She decided she liked it and was just lounging in her float tube. Look at that double chin. :)
So yesterday, Saturday, Dustin was SO bored and it was so nice outside. He wanted to do something, and I had LOTS of ideas for him. Putting some more blinds up, putting up another door, cleaning out our basement...lots of ideas. He decided to build us a nightstand instead. It isn't finished, but here's the idea of it.
We had some awesome eggs. You can't really tell that well, but Dustin made a football and made another one that is the earth. Natalie made Humpty Dumpty. Mine is the rainbow. That's as creative as I get, and it's just because my older siblings used to do it.
We had such a good Easter Sunday. We got to go to church and hear all the testimonies. Then I got to go to Primary, and I love Primary because those little kids are so smart. They have such sweet testimonies and they really help build mine up. I'm so thankful for my calling, and for the gospel in my life. It brings so much to me, and I just love it so much.
P.S. Macie is now walking and went down the stairs all by herself the other day. Backwards! I was so proud of her!